Author: JohnnyCoastal
ERW vs Seamless
Jon and Jake take a look at the two major manufacturing processes for pipe: ERW and Seamless. The discussion takes on a market perspective, rather than a manufacturer’s perspective. The term “Pipe Bombs of Knowledge” makes another appearance on the show! I smell a hashtag.
OCTG Update for 5-15-2019
Jon and Jake discuss current events around the OCTG supply and demand picture. Several “Dad Jokes” are tested, with varying degrees of success.
OCTG Traceability
Jon and Jake take the scenic route through the OCTG demand/supply story before getting to OCTG traceability. How can Dominoes track 2 million pizzas from the oven to your door, but our industry can’t track your OCTG QC as it goes downhole?
Korea Mucks Up the Works
Jon and Jake explore Korea’s now tangible Q1 impact on the OCTG tubing market, discuss recent moves in the Austin Chalk in Louisiana, and detonate several other “pipe bombs” of knowledge.